Sunday, December 23, 2007

Post A

Infringe-To encroach on someone or something(136)
Avid-marked by active interest and enthusiasm(139)

1-Personification-Agitator, An agitator is someone that plays a role in the NHL. His job is to do what ever it takes to get an all star player or any player off his game. I know that this is an example of figurative language because, an agitator represents a person in the NHL that has a job to do.
2-Personification-Enforcer, An enforcer is someone in the NHL that protects his teammates by fighting the other teams tough guys to send a message to not to take liberties with their star players. I know this is an example of figurative language because, an enforcer represents a person in the NHL that fights other people to protect his teammates.
3-Simile-An agitator is like a goal scorer. Those two names are totally opposite. An agitator is a person that trys to do what ever it takes to get a goal scorer out of his game and a goal scorer trys to score goals. I know that's an example of figurative because, I compared two things that are the total opposite.

Quote-"You stand up for yourself when you can, and when you can't, there's always somebody there for you who can." "That's the code." (123) I think that quote is pretty significant to the book because, it explains what an enforcer does to help you in the NHL.

Theme-When someone takes a liberty at your star player, let the enforcers do the dirty work because that's their job.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Post B

Response-I decided to pick a quote from the book to do my response on, and I'am going to show how it's significant to the book.

In the hierachy that governs hockey enforcement, the rule is "to be the man, you've got to be the man."-Page 117

I picked this quote because in the code you want to be the best most feared enforcer in the leauge, and you want to be that guy that everyone wants to beat. You also have to go out there every night and win every fight other wise your coach will get another player to do your job. This quote explains what the enforcers want to be in the code, so that's why I picked this quote. Thats's why I think this quote is significant to the book because, it helps explain what the enforces want to be.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Post A

Shortcomings-A deficiency-Page 101
Confinement-The act of restraining of a person's liberty by confining them-Page 103

Personification-Enforcer Darius Kasparaitis,"I've broken my nose five or six times."-That represents personification because he's an enforcer and by saying that he represents being an enforcer.
Personification-Team Player-Shot blocking might be the most courageous element of hockey because guys know that they may have to take a puck in the face in order to save a potential goal from going in. That represents personification because, a team player represents someone who is willing to take a puck in the face in order for his team to win.

Personification-Doctor=Healthy-I could tell right away in a game if I was going to be busy or not based on the number of penalties and fights would go on. I would just head down to the training room and start to get my instruments ready when I saw that. I knew that I was going to be getting some customers pretty quickly. That represents personification because, a doctor represents being healthy and when you see the doctor that means you'll be ok and he'll get you healthy.

Quote-By Dave Schultz, "Back in our day if you ran a guy from behind you were going to get the shit beat out of you."-Page 112, It's significant to the book because, Dave Schultz was an enforcer and his quote explains the code.

Theme-Don't mess with the code unless your willing to show up for your consequences.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Post B

Thoughtful response-I picked a quote to do my response on.

Quote-"If you break a guy's nose or knock out his teeth, or break his jaw, that is just part of the deal."-Page 74 I really thought that quote was interesting because, it's true. If your going to fight you better know how to fight otherwise your going to get hurt. This quote is significant to the book because, when you mess with the code or when your in the code the quote that I explained can happen to you. So you should be prepared for that. All hockey players have gone through some of that stuff. It's all part of the game. The quote I explained happens usually when your fighting and fighting is part of the code. The book is called "The Code" so I thought that, that quote would help explain what can happen when you fight in the NHL or in any league. Overall I thought that quote was a good one to explain, and it's a quote that represents the bad things that happen to you when your part of the code.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Post A

Golden Rule-A rule that usually says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”-Page 67
"Show up"-If you are a smaller player who breaks the code by getting a guy with a cheap shot or playing dirty, then you better be ready to fight.-Page 71

Onomatopoeia-Boom Boom Geofrion created the slap shot because, whenever he shot the puck that's the noise it made when it hit the boards. I know it's a literary element because, an onomatopoeia is a word that you describe the sound it makes.
Personification-Enforcers are there to protect your whole team. I know it's a literary element because, an enforcer represents a person.
Metaphor-Enforcers are there to intimidate the opposing team. I know it's a literary element because, an enforcer is a symbol to intimidate the opposing team.

Quote-"If you break a guy's nose or knock out his teeth, or break his jaw, that is just part of the deal."-Page 74 This quote is significant to the reading because, when your part of the code this stuff can happen to you and you have to be prepared for it. This stuff happens when you mess with the code or when your part of the code.

Theme-Don't hit anyone one the ice cheaply! Because the big boys will be coming for you!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Debate Activities Blog

1-War in Iraq-this debate is debated all over the world! The purpose of the debate is are there nuclear bombs? Should we be in there? Does our country really need to be in on this? A lot of more arguments too. There could be different decisions. It depends on your opinion. The debate is structured. It effects it a lot because, there's so much information about this war, and why were in Iraq.
2-What's the best sport in the world?(Obviously hockey) This debate occurs all over the world! The debates purpose is to argue which sport is the best in the world. There are all sorts of different opinions. The debate is structured. Effects the decision making problem because, there's so much information about this topic.
3-Teens/Kids arguing about curfew with their parents. This topic is debated all over the world. The purpose of the debate is what is to late? Why can't I stay out later? The question is why! There's a lot of opinions out there, and the kids asking what is to late? The debate is structured. Effects the decision making process because, there's a lot of information about the topic and arguments can go either way. Depends on the parents.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Post B

Response-For my response I picked a quote. This quote is very significant to the book.

Quote-"Enforcers are there to protect their star players."-Page 41
This quote is significant to the book because, the role of an enforcer is to protect their star players and that's what the code is all about. The book is called The Code. So that quote explains a lot about what the code means. The Code is about enforcers protecting their star players by getting into fights and hitting guys that cheaply hit their star players. Enforcers do this to create space for their star players, and they do this so their team has the best chance to win. When enforcers get into fights that's telling the other team not to take liberties at their players and don't think you can do what ever you want because, you'll have to pay the consequences. By getting into fights and hitting the guys that hit your players cheaply that gives you the best chance to win. It gives you the best chance to win because, by doing this your star players won't be injured because, the other team will be scared to hit your players. Because they know that the enforcer will be coming for them. By doing this the star players will be out on the ice scoring goals and winning games instead of being on the disabled list.

Post A

Carnage-massive slaughter-page 31
Sporadic-appearing in scattered instances-page 32

Simile-Marty Mcsorley was like a goal scorer in terms of his role on the ice. It's a simile because, your comparing Marty as a goal scorer when he's the total opposite. So I compared two things that aren't a like, which is a simile.
Simile-For the most part fighters are there to keep peace. It's a simile because, fighters are there to start things not to keep peace. So the sentence is comparing two things that aren't alike.
Simile-Deterrence isn't one of the reasons why NHL fights happen. It's a simile because, deterrence is one of the reasons why NHL fights occur. So it's comparing two things that aren't alike. That's why it's a simile.

Quote-"Enforcers are there to protect their star players."-Page 41
This quote is significant because, protecting your star players is part of the code for the enforcers to follow. I mean the book is called, "The Code"
Theme-Don't think you can throw out liberties at the all star players, unless you think you can back it up when the enforcers come for you.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Post B

"Fans have no idea just how important having a feared enforcer on your team really is." Page-21
That quote is saying that it helps a lot when your playing in the NHL to have a scary/feared enforcer on your team. Because the opposing players will think twice when they want to run one of your all star players. By having a feared enforcer on your team it's an advantage because, the opposing team won't run your best players, and it will also open up the game more for your teammates to be able to skate more without being cheap shotted. With a feared enforcer on your team your team will be able to win more, there will be less injuries, and your all star players will be able to produce more because, the opposing team will be scared to hit the all star players. Overall this quote is saying that with a feared enforcer on your NHL team your team will do better in the long run.

Post A

1-Foreword-a short introductory statement by someone other than the author. Page- ix
2-Integral-belonging as a part of a whole. Page-3

Personification-Enforcers are hockey players that were used to clean up the dirty play in the NHL by fighting. I know that's personification because, it's a representation of a person that helps clean up dirty play in the NHL. Personification-Goal scorers are hockey players that are the ones that their job is to score goals, and make plays happen to help their team win and not to get into fights. I know that's personification because, it's a representation of a person that helps their team. Simile-Sometimes Goal scorers try to be enforcers by getting into fights, and they're not supposed to do that ever. I know that's a simile because, I'm describing two unlike things and comparing them.

"Fans have no idea just how important having a feared enforcer on your team really is."-Page 21
This quote is important to this book because, the title of this book is called, "The Code", without enforcers in the NHL there wouldn't be a "Code." So by having a feared enforcer on your team it help explains what the "Code" means.

One theme from the book would be, when you reach the level past college hockey don't go after the all star players unless your ready to pay the consequences. Because the enforcers will come after you because, it's part of the "Code."

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

2nd quarter outside reading book

The Book name is "The Code." Author is Ross Bernstein. The book was published in 2006. The book is nonfiction. The information is true in this book about NHL fighting. There are 255 pages in this book. The book is challenging for a high school student because, there is a lot of information about hockey fights, the rules of fighting, the code you have to go by to fight in the NHL. There's a lot of information about the little things you have to go by to want to fight in the NHL. You really have to read the little things right to get why an all star NHL player can't fight in the NHL. I chose this book because, I like to fight, I'm a fighter, and I think it would be fun to read about the code you have to go by to be able to fight in the NHL. I think this book will be very interesting, and exciting.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Sea Inside, post 3

When Ramon and Julia kissed it was an eye level shot. It felt like I was there, because it was an eye level shot and it seemed like I was close to them. When Ramon leaves his older brothers house for the last time, Javier is running after the van where Ramon is. It was a long shot. It stood out to me because, it made the scene seem more sad. Because, he didn't want to let Ramon go, and he knew that was the last time he would ever see his uncle. Those scenes and shots were meaningful to me.

The Sea Inside, post 2

Between the novel The Diving Bell and The Butterfly and the film The Sea Inside there were many similarities and differences. The similarities between the two were, the main characters were quadriplegics, were married, wanted to die, were cared for, both could go in their wheelchairs, couldn't go to the bathroom, both wondered off into their fantasies, main characters wrote something that got published for the world to see, and both were loved by their family. The differences between the two were in the the film The Sea Inside Ramon wanted to kill himself, married twice, he could eat, could go outside with his wheelchair, could talk, could see out of both eyes, was cared for by his family, didn't have one of his eyelids sewn shut, could whistle, made himself quadriplegic by being stupid by jumping off a cliff with 5 feet deep water at the bottom, his poems were published, and could drink liquids on his own. The differences in the novel The Diving Bell and The Butterfly were he couldn't control what happened to him, was cared for in a hospital, he had a stroke, (that's why he became a quadriplegic), could only see out of one eye, couldn't talk, made a book that was published about his experience, had one eyelid sewn shut, had to fed by tubes, and was only married once. In my opinion I thought the novel was more powerful to me. Because in the book Jean-Dominque Bauby really explained how bad it was to be in his situation, he could only see out off one eye, he couldn't talk, and he couldn't even talk to his family. Reading that was horrible. It was just so sad. To me reading that book made me believe that I should try to live life to the fullest.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Sea Inside, post 1

I thought this film was interesting. It probably would've been more interesting if it wasn't in subtitles and if we didn't have to take notes during the movie. Because no one likes to takes notes, or read subtitles during a movie. It's pretty brutal to have to do that. I think it's wrong to kill yourself, even if you're a quadriplegic. I can understand why Ramon would want to kill himself after being a quadriplegic for 28 years, but killing yourself in my opinion is wrong. Getting a assisted suicide I think is even worse, because who ever is helping you do it must not love you enough if they're willing to kill you. By helping someone kill them self you have no heart or soul. I agree with the courts ruling. Because it's wrong to help someone kill them self, and it's wrong to kill yourself in general. I didn't like when Ramon killed himself because, it's wrong to do that to yourself. I mean he's the one that jumped off a cliff that had 3 feet of water at the bottom. He's the one that did this to himself. I think the friends that helped him kill himself have no heart or soul.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Final Blog, post 2

Did the other assignment, the optional one.

Final Blog, post 1

In the final part of my book Derek talked about the struggles he had with players on the Yankees through the years he has played for them, approaches he got from crazy fans, and how to stay out of trouble. Derek talked about when he was with Tino Martinez, a fan came up to him in a club and told him that he had some "x" for him. Right away Derek said, "no" shaking his head and immediately got up with Tino, walked away and got out of that club. Derek said that,"even if I asked him what is that?" Or even smiled politely, people would've saw that he was handing me something and the people would go straight to the papers saying, "Derek was getting XTC in a club". That's why if you ever get into a situation like that you should just walk away. Derek also talked about when the Yankees and Mariners got into a bench clearing fight how one of his teammates took a shot at him in the media after the game saying, "that Derek should of been defending his teammates, instead of talking and joking with A-rod." Derek was very upset by that comment because, his teammate just assumed that he was joking with A-rod. Derek didn't want to get into a fight and either did A-rod. So Derek and A-rod were actually talking about how the pitcher that hit Martinez did it on accident. So both of the players weren't joking around they were talking baseball with eachother and Dereks teammate was assuming that they were Joking. Derek was very mad. Overall I personally liked this book a lot.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Part 5, post 2

Part 5 of the book was very interesting to me. Derek talked about who his ro-model was growing up, and what to look for in a ro-model. He also talked about how he started his foundation. Called Turn-2. His foundation helps kids with drug, and alcohol problems. He emphasis's on how bad drugs and alcohol are for you and that you should never try them. Unless your 21 years old when its legal to drink. In his foundation he also has baseball camps for kids. During this part of the book he also talked about his struggles coming into the major leagues and getting moved down to the minors. He talks about how hard it was for him to get moved down. I liked the way Derek explained what to look for in a ro-model. He had a lot of ro-models growing up, and he still does. Sometimes in this section of the book he explained things over and over again and it got a little boring. He talked about how to set goals again, and he already talked about that the first 4 sections of the book. It gets kind of annoying when you read about it so much. I mean I did like this section of the book though. Derek also talked about how his ro-model and good friend Daryle Strawberry had drug problems, alcohol problems, and the struggles he went through. He was tested positive for cocaine. He was suspended for a year for testing positive. When he started talking about that in the book I really got interested. I really liked when Jeter started talking about that. Overall I thought this section was pretty interesting, but not the most interesting.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Part 4, post 2

Summarization of part 4- In this section Derek talks about a lot of his personal experiences. He talks about his very close relationships with teammates, his relationship with Mariah Carey, and his close relationship with his sister. He talks about the struggles he had to go through when he was dating Mariah Carey. When he was dating her he couldn't take all the paparazzis following them and writing down every move they did with each other. He talked about how much his sister meant to him even though she was six years younger then him. He also talked about what he does in the off season. He says, "there is no off season for me." So now I know that there isn't an off season for Derek Jeter. Overall this chapter was very interesting and I can't wait to read the next section.

Part 4, post 1

Joe Torre talks about meeting Tiger Woods for the first time and he talks about how much Tiger reminded him of Derek. He says, "Tiger's eyes told me that he was just like Jeter." "His presence, that comfort level with people, and that confidence." (#156) That was said obviously by Joe Torre the Yankee manager. Title of the book is The Life you imagine. (Don't know how to underline the title) I think that quote is important in the book because, I think it's explaining who Derek Jeter really is, that Jeter is all about winning, and that he has the fire under him to keep winning and winning. I thought it was a good quote because, you know that someone in this world can be similiar to Derek Jeter.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly reflection

Honestly in my opinion I thought this book was the worst book I've ever read in my life. It was also the worst book I've ever read during a school year. I thought it was so bad because, it was so hard to follow, understand, and just hard to read. When I would read a page or even a chapter of this book I would pause after and think to myself what did I just read. To me reading some of those pages in the book was to me like just reading words. Some of the pages I read I could understand, and some of the points or stories he was explaining I could understand. That happened rarely though. I was kind of disappointed on how bad the book was because, it says on the cover of the book that it was a number 1 international bestseller, there were so many good things said about it by big name magazines, and so many good things said about it by big name authors and publishers. I do think that when Jean-Dominique Bauby wrote this book it kept him alive. By Bauby writing this book I think it helped him stay alive, because it was something for him that he could still do. It was a thing that he could do that he still loved and had a passion for. I think that if I read this book in 5 years from now I could probably be able to follow,understand, and even like this book. I just think this book is a little to hard for us as sophmores to read, because it's just to hard to follow. I mean overall I hated it, but I can see why Bauby wrote this book.

Week 3, part 2

So far up to this point in the book, the book is very interesting. It's very easy to follow and read. When it's easy to read and follow that's a plus in my opinion. I like the book a lot. There's one weakness in the book. That weakness is how Derek keeps on explaining how you need to set your goals high. He keeps saying that. It gets a little annoying when he keeps repeating that. I can see why he keeps repeating that though. There are some interesting issues in this book. For an example when Derek says that, "people look at his parents differently, because there's one white dad and one white mom." I think that happens in today's world too. I mean when I see a white women and a black man together I guess in my opinion I think that's different. I'm not saying I'm racist but your just not used to seeing that a lot. Overall all the chapters I've read are enjoyable to read.

Week 3, part 1

Chapters 4-5 summary
Chapter 4-summary

This chapter is about how Derk Jeter was born into a family where there was a black dad and a white mom. Derek talks about all of the struggles he and his family had to go through. He talks about how kids in his grade used to ask him, "Are you black or are you white?" Derek would reply, "I'm both." He talked about how his sisters white friends weren't aloud to hang out with black boys, and that the only way her white friends could hang out with black boys is by going to the Jeters house. Because the Derek's parents didn't care what race you were. He talked about how people looked at his family weird because, they saw a black women and a black man together.

Chapter 5 summary

During this chapter Derek talks about not being afraid to fail. He says, "if you're afraid to fail you will never go the extra mile and you will never succeed." He also talks about how you need to set your goals high otherwise you won't expect a lot out of yourself. In this chapter it is said that you shouldn't be afraid of anything, you should always try to do things at the highest level possible.

Biography about the author-Derk Jeter

Derek Jeter was born on the 26th of June, 1974. He was born in Pequannock, New Jersey. He is 6 foot 3 inches tall. Derek is known for being the New York Yankees shortstop. He is known for being one of the best shortstops in the game and one of the best shortstops in history ever to play the game. He played baseball in Michigan at Kalamazoo high school. He was named the National High School Player of the Year. He was drafted by the Yankees after his senior year. He decided to sign with the Yankees instead of playing college baseball. He signed with Yankees at age 18. Derek now is an all star shortstop for the Yankees he was won 4 world championships with the Yankees. He is overall an outstanding baseball player, and romodel.
Information found at found through

This is the site of the picture I wanted to put on here

It won't let me copy and paste the picture for some reason. (It's very frustrating) I also found this picture through

Monday, October 1, 2007

Part 2 of 2nd week homework for memoir

Loaded words I found with page number- kid-#48, son-#49, love-#55, weird-#70, millionaire-#70, teenagers-#74, rich-#82, black-#83, obsess-#85, and racist-#89. I think the word kid is loaded because, kid can be offensive to me. Like if an adult said, "hey kid get over here!" That's offensive to me. I'd rather have him say, "hey you come here" , because I think kid is used for an irresponsible little kid. I think son is a loaded word in this part of the book because it was used in an unusual way. The sentence was like "Son what are you doing?" The man calling Derek Jeter that wasn't even his dad. So I think if an adult called me son and he wasn't my dad I wouldn't like being called that. I think love is a loaded word because, love can be offensive to some people. Because some people don't believe in love. I believe in love but for some people I think It'd be a little offensive. I think weird is a loaded work because, being called weird at least for me would be offensive. I would rather have someone say "your different." Then saying your weird. Weird is just a mean word to say to someone in my opinion. Millionaire is a loaded word. Because being know as a millionaire some people don't like to be known as that. And the people that aren't so wealthy I think would be offended if they heard someone say this person is a millionaire. Teenagers is a loaded word. Because a lot of adults don't like teenagers and they don't trust us. They blame teenagers for normal things we do that they don't like. It depends on how you use the word though. Rich is a loaded word because some people don't like to known as "rich" I know that from experience by calling one of my friends that. He didn't like it. Black is a loaded word in this part of the book because of how it was used. I think you should use the word African American if your naming someone by the color of their skin instead of using black. Because some African Americans might be offended if you call them black. Obsess is a loaded word because I think it's mean to tell someone there obsessed about something. Just tell them they like this object a lot. You don't need to say obsessed. Racist is a loaded work because, calling someone racist is mean, but it might be the truth. You can just say they don't like this race. You don't need to say they're racist. I just think it's mean to call someone racist.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Memoir part one assignment

First part of memoir book- The first part of my book was about Derek Jeters life, goals he accomplished, goals he wanted to succeed in, how his parents taught him so much about life, and about how you need to set goals up in your life to be successful.

Personally I liked the first part of the book. I thought it was really interesting that he always wanted to be a Yankee even though he grew up in Michigan. The goals that he told himself that he was going to accomplish was incredible. I could never imagine setting those goals as a young kid, and then actually accomplish them. For an example he said he wanted to be the high school baseball player of the year. (Being the high school baseball player of the year is based on the best high school baseball player int he country). He told himself that as a freshmen and as a senior he accomplished that. That's crazy. His parents had so much confidence in him in everything he did that he thought he could do anything. He also talked about all the struggles he had to go threw playing in the minor leagues. As an eighteen year old I could never imagine myself having to go through all those struggles as what he did. Overall I really enjoyed the first section of this book.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

This I believe homework

2. David Buetow
3. Teaching a Bad Dog New Tricks
4. I believe in my dog. He believes in his dog.
5. 1-Before I had him, I considered myself “street smart,” avoiding eye contact with people I didn’t know or didn’t think I wanted to know. Running through Chicago neighborhoods with Duncan has changed all that. Now when people smile at us, I smile back. 2-If Duncan stops to say hello I stop and greet them, too. He believs that Duncan has chaged his life.
6. I had dates with women who would mistakenly think I was loyal to them but I never returned their calls or thanked them for the cookies they left on my doorstep. What a stud...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hw questions

The thing I'm most anxious about at EHS is to start the hockey season. Because hockey is my favorite sport and I love it. All my brothers played hockey, and I want to start playing again for Edina.

One goal I have as a sophmore is to make JV for hockey and be close to making the varsity team. Because I played bantam A last year and I worked hard over the summer. So by making that Jv is the first step to making that varsity team as a junior.

I'm in

woooo hoooo